Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Nate!!

My baby bro turned, well, one year older on March 8th. We had a little party for him on Saturday night at Joni's house. Saturday night turned into Sunday morning and that's about all I can remember. I do know everyone had a blast and it was really nice to spend time with family and good friends. It was one of those "I swear I'll never drink again if I make it through this!" mornings though. I finally started feeling better Monday. Celebrating with my brother was worth the pain, I'm sure we'll be doing it again next year! I've got tons of pictures, I'll post a link to the slideshow in the next couple days. For now there's a couple of my favorites below. Happy Birthday Nate, love you very much and I'm so proud of the man you have become!!

**Click here to see the other pictures

Cool cake huh??!!

Uncle Nate with Blake and Bailey
This isn't very clear but I thought it was so funny The guys

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