Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend at Grandpa Weldon's

Joni and I flew to San Jose on Thursday to spend the weekend with my Grandpa. Since we lost my Grandma almost a year ago we try to spend as much time with him as possible. It's always nice to go there because we get to spend time with a lot of friends and family. I feel good everytime we're around the neighbors because it is easy to see how much they care about and take care of Grandpa. A big BBQ has turned into a tradition when we visit and this time wasn't any different. I think we had about 20 people over on Saturday night, a lot of work but definitely worth it. I love you Grandpa, it's your turn to visit us now!!

My Uncle Tom, Grandpa's neighbor Ray, and my cousin Roy
Joni and my Great Aunt Wanda. I think I have this exact same picture with Joni and my Grandma, the same pose and everything. It's such a sweet picture but I feel like crying when I look at it, makes me miss my Grandma!!
My Grandpa's awesome neighbors, Troy & Ray
My Aunt Sharon and cousin Matt
Joni and some of his San Jose friends, Gigo and Ray
My cousin's wife Wendy, Aunt Sharon and Wanda's boyfriend Jim
Grandpa & Me
Matt & Grandpa Joni & Roy having a drink, so odd for Joni glad I had the camera ready :)

Visit from Aunt Judy

This post is about a month overdue! My dad's sister, Judy, came out to visit with her friend Arla. My dad took some time off work and they went to all kinds of cool places. That was the weekend Joni and I went to San Diego so I didn't get to spend very much time with them. We did all get together for a nice dinner and some card playing. Thanks again Raelynne for the awesome salmon and squash-wow!! Looking forward to the next visit, love you!!

My Dad, Aunt Judy and Arla
Blake, Aunt Judy, Me, Bailey, Nate, Dad, Raelynne and Jaelynn. Notice Nate's new shirt :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Nate!!

My baby bro turned, well, one year older on March 8th. We had a little party for him on Saturday night at Joni's house. Saturday night turned into Sunday morning and that's about all I can remember. I do know everyone had a blast and it was really nice to spend time with family and good friends. It was one of those "I swear I'll never drink again if I make it through this!" mornings though. I finally started feeling better Monday. Celebrating with my brother was worth the pain, I'm sure we'll be doing it again next year! I've got tons of pictures, I'll post a link to the slideshow in the next couple days. For now there's a couple of my favorites below. Happy Birthday Nate, love you very much and I'm so proud of the man you have become!!

**Click here to see the other pictures**

Cool cake huh??!!

Uncle Nate with Blake and Bailey
This isn't very clear but I thought it was so funny The guys

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Eddie, Alicia and Olivia

Joni has been friends with Eddie since they were kids, young kids like 8 or 9. He's leaving next week to go to Afghanistan for 8-10 months so we went to Yuma to spend the weekend with him and his family. He's a Marine and has already been sent to Iraq 3 times. Of course this time is a little harder since he has to leave his baby girl. He is such a nice guy and I love his wife. One of those people that you can be around and feel like you've known forever. We had a great time, I can't wait for all of us to get together again after he gets back. We are praying for your safe return Eddie, God bless!!!

The best pacifier I've ever seen! How funny is that??
I don't hold the fact that her dad is a Bears fan against her!
Eddie & Joni
Still don't know who passed out first
This makes up for the whiskey picture. So sweet, I want a baby!!