Monday, December 8, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I know I'm just a little late with this post. I've thought about it every night but have had so many other things going on I kept putting it off. I am very proud to say that my house was decorated for Christmas the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I had about 90% of my shopping done and ALL of what I have bought so far wrapped last week. I've never done that before, ever. I'm the one that's wrapping everything 5 minutes before people come over Christmas Eve or as I'm walking out the door to my Mom or Dad's house to exchange gifts. Even all of my Christmas cards have been sent. I am getting way to organized in my old age! So, that's my excuse for why my blog hasn't been updated lately. Anyway, back to Thanksgiving. My Grandpa came in for a visit which is always nice. The holiday started with a pregame at my Dad's house on Wednesday night. It was supposed to be a quick dinner and some business talk. Then Joni & my Dad thought it'd be fun to do just a couple shots. Well, 4 bottles later I had to drive everyone home. I had a great time, but not as great as the time had by the people that were drinking. It was funny to see my Dad, Joni, Raelynn, Nate, & Derrick having so much fun. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera so I wasn't able to catch any of the craziness on film but it will be awhile before I forget it, no matter how hard I try :) It was rough getting up early the next morning for Church but we made it. We went to Dale & Elvia's to eat dinner that afternoon. It was delicious and very nice visiting with everyone. Later on it was over to my Mom's for more late night visiting and of course more cocktails. I gave up and turned in around 2:00 am but was woken up when Nate, Joni and Grandpa decided it was time for them to go to sleep, at 4:30. It was a long day but a lot of fun, spending all that time with family was worth getting no sleep! I'd do it again in a second, and I'm sure we will soon. Christmas is just around the corner. Thanks to everyone that opened their homes to us, it was wonderful! Click on this link to see more pictures of the day

Thanksgiving centerpiece

The family playing cards
Dad & the girls at church. You hide your hangover well Dad :)

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