Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween a little bit early

Bailey went to a Halloween party last night. She hasn't gotten the costume she wants to go trick or treating in yet so she didn't know what she was going to wear. I suggested the back up costume I've worn 5 or 6 times, my Raiders jersey. She was with her Dad this weekend so I didn't get to see what she looked like but Blake took a picture of her and sent it to me. She looks so cute! I wasn't going to post it but when I went through a drawer looking for something this morning I found an old picture of Bailey dressed up for Halloween. I just couldn't resist posting both of them together. She's going to kill me, my little french fry!!

She'd probably be able to play better than some people on the team this year. Oh well, GO RAIDERS!!!
Bailey on Halloween 1998, she was only 15 months old so she couldn't complain about what I dressed her up as. Isn't she sweet?

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