Friday, October 31, 2008

Grandma Joy, 11/1/28-4/11/08

My Grandma Joy would be turning 80 tomorrow, November 1st. She passed away in April, I think about her everyday. I've put together some pictures of her and the family, it has brought back some good memories. I am so thankful that I had 32 years with such a wonderful Grandma and that Blake and Bailey got the chance to spend a lot of time with her to. I know she's watching over us and is still loving us unconditionally. I will never forget what she said to me the last time I saw her. I was leaning over her bed kissing her forehead trying not to let my tears fall on her face. I grabbed her soft hand and looked down at it so she wouldn't see how much I was crying, she said "Don't cry Amy, we'll be together again someday." So until then Grandma save me a spot on your lap. I love you and miss you more than I could ever put into words. Happy Birthday.

Grandma and Grandpa's wedding picture, wasn't she beautiful?

60 years later, still together

Me sitting on her lap, the best spot ever

Joni, Grandpa and Grandma on a visit to San Francisco

This was the last picture I took of her, March 2008

Grandma, always doing whatever it took to make her grandkids smile

Grandma and Jaelynn, December 2007
Grandma with Blake and Bailey in Las Vegas, June 2007

A new cast, 3 Raiders, and an 80's chick

Happy Halloween! It started off with a trip to the hand Doctor this morning. Blake had to get her finger set and put in a cast. We go back in 10 days to make sure it's healing properly. Hopefully it will be and we can avoid any kind of surgery. We carved pumpkins on Sunday night and they were rotten by Wednesday, look at the gross pictures. Yuck, I sure don't remember then rotting that fast when I was little! My doorbell is ringing so I better start handing out this candy before I eat it all!

Her new cast. It's black so we are all going to sign it with silver marker!
Bailey's moldy pumpkin, eeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!

Our front door
Love the leg warmers, side pony tail and blue eye shadow. I sure hope that style doesn't come back
Bruno doing what he does best, eating
Tootsie, taking a break from barking at everyone ringing the door bell Our candy dish, yum yum
Blake's moldy pumpkin, eeeewww again

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Even the puppies are Raider Fans

Ok, so maybe they have no choice but you still have to admit that silver and black looks like it belongs on them. Joni wasn't exactly thrilled, he wanted to know why I didn't get Bruno a Bears jersey. Blue and orange is not allowed in my house!! I got them these to wear for Halloween but I don't know if I'll ever take them off!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween a little bit early

Bailey went to a Halloween party last night. She hasn't gotten the costume she wants to go trick or treating in yet so she didn't know what she was going to wear. I suggested the back up costume I've worn 5 or 6 times, my Raiders jersey. She was with her Dad this weekend so I didn't get to see what she looked like but Blake took a picture of her and sent it to me. She looks so cute! I wasn't going to post it but when I went through a drawer looking for something this morning I found an old picture of Bailey dressed up for Halloween. I just couldn't resist posting both of them together. She's going to kill me, my little french fry!!

She'd probably be able to play better than some people on the team this year. Oh well, GO RAIDERS!!!
Bailey on Halloween 1998, she was only 15 months old so she couldn't complain about what I dressed her up as. Isn't she sweet?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A star is born

Bailey's chorus class had their fall concert tonight. It was really good and of course she was the cutest one there. My mom and brother came with Blake and I to cheer her on. Good job Bailey, you did great!!

The 6th grade chorus group

Bailey waiting to go up on stage

Click on the video below to watch some of the performance

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Our family's first broken bone

This morning I got a call at work from Blake saying that she hurt her finger playing flag football at school. We thought it was just dislocated. After a trip to the pediatrician and then to Urgent Care for X-rays we found out it's more than dislocated, it's broken. Poor baby. They wrapped it up and told us to make an appointment to see a hand doctor to find out if she is going to need surgery. She's done pretty good, not even any tears. I am proud of her, she DID get the flag as she broke her finger! Stay tuned for an update on the surgery.....

The lovely pink splint
If you look closely you can see the top part of the ring finger isn't as straight as it should be!

Friday, October 17, 2008

8 years and counting...........

October 18, 2000-that was the day Joni and I had our first date. It wasn't even really a date actually. I told him I'd cook him dinner if he got a loan closed on time for one of my clients. We ate dinner, drank a bottle of wine, talked and talked, drank another bottle of wine, went outside on my patio and talked and talked and talked until we had to leave to go buy another bottle of wine, came back and talked some more. We finished 3 bottles of wine and talked until 4:00 am. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I sure am glad I got in!! It has been 8 years filled with just about everything you can possibly imagine. Lots of struggles but also lots of rewards, we've been through it all and we've been lucky enough to learn from it. I love him more everyday and I am so thankful he got that loan closed :) I look forward to the future and I know that we can get through anything together. Take a look at some of these pictures. How come he looks better with age and I just look older???? No fair.

March 2000, this was the very first picture we ever took together, not my best look but it's the first so I had to show it
And this is the most recent picture of us, taken last week at my birthday dinner. October 2008
December 2007
December 2006 October 2005, we went to Hawaii for my 30th birthday
Grand Canyon, September 2004
Our first trip to Hawaii, June 2003
With Blake and Bailey, Christopher Creek January 2002. They are all so cute!!
After to much wine, as usual, in March 2002
This is one of my all time favorites, we were so young! July 2001

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10/15/1994-10/15/2008 Blake is 14!!!

Blake was born on October 15th, 1994 at 5:02 pm, she weighed 9.2 pounds and was 21" long. She was the sweetest, cutest thing I had ever seen. She still is, well, it's a tie between her and her little sister. Even though life hasn't always been easy I wouldn't change it for the world. I am so thankful everyday that Blake came into my life. She is still my baby, even though it's getting harder to call her that since she's a couple inches taller than me! I love you so much Blake and I am so proud of the young lady you are becoming. If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything. I can't wait to watch all of your dreams come true!! Happy Birthday sweetheart!!

My scanner isn't working so I had to take pictures of pictures. They're not very clear but you can still tell how adorable she was!

Blake and I after a long day

Look at those cheeks!
Can you get any cuter?? I don't think so!

Beautiful Blake , boy am I in trouble

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Birthday part 2

I had a great birthday, thanks to my wonderful family and friends! Blake and Bailey gave me the sweetest cards, gave me a massage and kept the puppies in their room so I could get some sleep. I liked all the gifts but if I had to choose a favorite it would be theirs! Thank you girls, I love you so much!! My good friend Mandy stopped by the office on Thursday and surprised me with a dozen gorgeous roses, balloons, and a gift card. Plus she brought along her kids for extra smiles, they're so cute!! Thank you Mandy, I know you're super busy! I really appreciate how thoughtful you are!! Thursday night Joni took Blake, Bailey, my Mom, Jaelynn, and I out to eat at my favorite Japanese restaurant. It was so-o good. Friday my Dad, brother Nate, Shane, Billy, Matt, Oscar and Ronnie helped me celebrate at Joni's house. I must be getting a little to old to party like that. I didn't get out of bed until Sunday. I guess that's what happens when you drink way to much and stay up until 3:30. I did have a great time though, thanks to everyone that came over and for the gifts! Take a look at some more pictures by clicking on this link

The ice cream cake, I don't like the numbers on top but it sure tasted good!!
My girls at dinner Jaelynn and my Mom at dinner

Joni and I at dinner
My Dad and I at Joni's
Nate and I at Joni's, he's still single! Anyone want a date, someone, anyone??? :)

Meet Mr. Jagermeister, we all got to know him really well Friday night
Back to reality, birthday's over, time to clean up!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Birthday

Today I am turning 29, for the 4th time. Each time it gets better and better. I've got a few things planned for tonight and the weekend so check back for some pictures and stories next week. I wanted to share this picture right away though. I am in shock, in a good way, and very impressed. Look at these tulips, which happen to be my favorite flower. I know the picture isn't the best, I took it with my phone. Joni just brought them to me at the office. Some of you know him well and some of you don't. For those of you that don't, he doesn't do things like this on his own. One year he even told me to order the Valentines Day flowers that I wanted. His theory is that if I pick out what I get then I'll get what I want. Which is understandable but there is something to be said for being surprised. Especially when the surprise is exactly what I would have picked out on my own. Good job baby, I knew you could do it!! So far I have also gotten a nice card signed by everyone at the office and a beautiful picture frame from Yuping, thank you! I'm just waiting to cut into the ice cream cake now :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weekend with Joe and Janell

My mom and Janell have been friends since they were 9 years old. That's, well, let's just say that's a long time! The more time I spend around Janell and her husband Joe the more I know why my mom has kept in touch with her all these years. They are both wonderful, warm, friendly and loving people. I even feel that way about them when I haven't been drinking! My Mom, Nate, Joni, and I flew to San Jose a couple weeks ago. We picked up my Grandpa and drove to Jackson where we spent the weekend with them. My Uncle Tom and Aunt Sharon spent a day with us there also. Take a look at all the pictures by clicking here
Thank you Joe and Janell for welcoming us into your beautiful home and for proving that somethings can last forever. You two are an inspiration, we love you!!

When is the next party??
I just love that sign
Beautiful sunset
Still so in love